15 July 2007

Lazy Sunday...

I woke up around 9:30 and let the dog out. Breakfast consisted of warmed up waffles from yesterday's sumptuous breakfast of waffles and bacon (we usually have waffles or pancakes, homemade of course on Saturday and/or Sunday when we're home). It is now almost 1pm and I have been leisurely perusing the internet after finishing my new Domino that came yesterday. I finished my new Marie Claire yesterday. These are really the only magazines that I get although I'm debating a subscription to Vogue simply for the pure indulgence of it all. I've been sitting on the sun porch with a cup of coffee, now cold, and just enjoying the gorgeous weather. There is a gorgeous breeze coming in the slider doors and the gentle twittering of the birds who have found my newly filled bird feeder and are bound to empty it today! I am really learning/beginning to enjoy these lazy weekend mornings - it is so peaceful and calming. Especially after the ever increasingly stressfull weeks at work (and of course the klutz incident of this week!). I think that I am finally coming to terms with myself and my life and beginning to enjoy myself. It is strange to think that it took me this long to really love where I am in life - for so many years I felt so transitory and uprooted which I've discovered is not good for the OCD girl hidden inside of me! Now that I have "roots" or a place that is really mine (or ours I should say) I am just enjoying the calm. And for the first time since starting college, I am learning to NOT feel guilty that I'm doing nothing! No homework/studio work that I'm just putting off until the last minute, nothing hanging over my head that HAS to be done. I can just relax. It's a novel concept but one that I intend to indulge. Often.

1 comment:

cotedetexas said...

Hi - thanks so much for your comment! That was so sweet of you to mention my "garden." My father almost died when he saw the size of our backyard before we moved in and gave us the money to hire a landscape architect to try to make it decent. Many years later, I'm happy! Thanks again,
Cote de Texas